What is SEO?

Search engine optimization, or “SEO,” refers to the process of improving your ranking in search engines like Google. It’s a long-term strategy that requires patience and continual improvement to achieve optimal results. The goal of SEO is to make sure that when people are searching for something related to what you offer, they find your website instead of someone else’s. This blog post will cover how you can do SEO on your own by following these easy 10 steps!

Step 1- Create High Quality Content

High quality content is the most important part of SEO. You need to provide valuable information and high quality content that people are searching for. Create quality content and provide valuable information. The more people that view a blog post, the higher it will rank in Google’s SERP!

Write natural sounding content for Google’s Web Spam team by following these best practices:

– Include a link in at least one paragraph of text (not necessarily on every page)

– Try to include a link in your page’s title tag

– Do not use too many links, or too strong of keywords as anchor text.

– Don’t place the same link all over the site without any other content around it. It looks messy and Google might think you’re spamming them with links that way.

Step 2- Research your keywords and phrases

Research your keywords and phrases. This is the most important step! You need to know what people are looking for when they search. The best way to do this is by using Google Adwords Keyword Tool (free). You should write about topics that people are searching for.

Step 3- Create a list of keywords and phrases.

Create a list of keywords and phrases. This will help you know what people are searching for so that your website can rank higher when they search those words or phrases. Include keywords in titles, headings, links to other pages on your website or external

Step 4- Make your website and blog mobile friendly.

Make your website and blog mobile friendly. You need to make sure that people can easily view your content on their smartphones or tablets!

Add a mobile menu, and make sure the text is readable on smaller screens. Make sure that all images on the site are also mobile-friendly. Using a lightbox feature when inserting videos can be helpful. Videos tend to load more slowly on mobile.

Step 5- Build links to your site from other websites

Build links to your site from other websites with high page rankings in Google’s SERP (search engine results pages). These sites need to have relevant content, and their goal is to offer a link back to you (to boost the relevancy of your page).

Step 6- Use social media

Use social media to announce your new blog post and share it. This will help you get more followers, which in turn helps spread the word about your site. You should also add social media buttons and icons on every page so people can share, like or tweet the content you create. This will help get more followers for both yourself and your blog posts which gets good search engine rankings!

Step 7- Optimize images

Optimize images with alt tags for search engines so they can index them faster when people do a Google image search on keywords related to what you are writing about. Believe it or not, the title of your image in your media library matters.

Step 8- Add a sitemap to your sit

Add a sitemap to your site so Google and other search engines can find all the pages on your site. A sitemap is just a list of links to all your pages. This is how people find what they are looking for on your site.

Step 9 -Sign up for Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools

Sign up for Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools if you haven’t already done this (they are free). These tools provide important information about your site such as crawl errors and warnings, spam reports, search queries that generated traffic to the website.

Step 10- Publish content regularly

Try to publish content regularly on your site. Once a week is the ideal frequency but once every two weeks will suffice too. The more regular you are, the higher Google’s estimation of how important and relevant your site is for those search terms.

SEO is one of the most important tools that any business can use to gain more visibility, attract new customers and increase sales. If you’re looking for assistance with your digital marketing strategy or website optimization, contact us today. If you are struggling to get the attention of potential customers online, it may be time for a new SEO strategy. Our experts can help you find ways to boost your traffic and increase sales by helping with website design or marketing automation strategies. You don’t have to go at this alone! Let us know if we can help out any way that we can.

Jessica Leichtweisz
Jessica Leichtweisz

Contributing Author