AI tools like ChatGPT are revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers. ChatGPT enables business owners to conduct research, ideate content ideas, and much more in a fraction of the time it would take to do it alone. However, it is essential to understand prompt engineering to get the most out of ChatGPT and other conversational AI tools. In this article, we’ll walk you through the basics of prompt engineering and how to improve your prompts to get better results from ChatGPT.

What are Prompts?

A prompt is a message or question that triggers a response from ChatGPT. It is the crucial element in getting the most accurate and relevant response. It’s essential to keep in mind that the prompt you use must be specific to get the best possible results. For example, instead of asking, “What do you think of my business?” try asking, “How can I improve my business’s online presence?”. By being more specific, you’ll receive more targeted and helpful responses.

1: Keep it Simple

One of the challenges of working with ChatGPT is that it can sometimes be complex and challenging to understand. That’s why keeping your prompts simple is essential. For instance, if you’re asking about a product you offer, try asking a straightforward question like: “What are the benefits of product X?” rather than asking a more complex question like “Can you tell me everything you know about product X?”.

2: Use Contextual Information

Adding contextual information about the question or topic can help ChatGPT provide more accurate responses. For instance, if you’re dealing with customer questions about a specific product, including details such as its features, benefits, price, and availability can help ChatGPT provide more effective answers. Providing as much relevant data as possible will enable ChatGPT to generate more valuable responses and reduce confusion.

3: Avoid Ambiguity

Ambiguity can lead to irrelevant and confusing answers from ChatGPT. Therefore, avoid using vague or ambiguous language in your prompts. Avoid questions like “What are your thoughts on this?” Instead, ask something like, “Can you provide recommendations for addressing X issue?”.

4: Be Precise

Specific prompts help ChatGPT generate better and more accurate responses. The more precise your prompts are, the more accurate answers you will receive from ChatGPT. It’s vital to use precise language in your prompts, especially when dealing with complex topics. When creating your prompt, ask yourself if there’s a way to provide more detail or specificity.

5: Use Examples

Examples can help ChatGPT better understand the context or purpose of the prompt. 

Here’s an example of a lousy prompt: “Write a story about a cat.” This prompt may get results, but it won’t be as effective unless you include some examples. 

This prompt generated a great result but could be improved with simple examples.

Here’s a better prompt idea for “write a story about a cat” that includes an example: “Write a story about a cat who goes on an adventure to find his way back home. For example, you could draw inspiration from the book ‘The Incredible Journey’ by Sheila Burnford or the movie ‘Homeward Bound.’ Please include descriptions of the cat’s appearance and personality and the obstacles he faces on his journey.”

As you can see, adding examples provides context and give ChatGPT a better understanding of your needs. We were able to get a much more detailed story by adding examples.


Remember that ChatGPT is a natural language processor. One main reason why it is available for free is that we are the ones training it. Remember that sharing overly personal or proprietary business information is not advised. So don’t expect ChatGPT to provide a full-blown advisory service or consultation! Lastly, chatbot conversation is meant to supplement human interaction; therefore, it should only be used for general problem-solving and light discussions.


In conclusion, ChatGPT and other AI tools are fantastic resources for business owners. However, to get the most value out of these tools, it’s essential to understand prompt engineering correctly. By creating specific, simple, contextual, unambiguous, and precise prompts, you can ensure that ChatGPT generates the most accurate and relevant responses for your customers. Using the guidelines outlined in this article, you can improve your prompts and get better responses from ChatGPT. Additionally, it is essential to remember that ChatGPT and other AI tools are not intended to replace human employees, so sensitive personal or proprietary business information should never be shared via chatbot. With the proper use of these tools and a bit of strategy, you can provide more efficient customer service than ever before.

If you’re curious to learn more about AI technologies and ChatGPT, check out the Artificial Intelligence section on our blog!